Bidang select2_from_ajax
dan select2_from_ajax_multiple
memungkinkan Anda untuk menyaring hasil dari select2, tergantung pada apa yang telah dipilih dalam formulir. Katakanlah Anda harus memilih2 bidang. Ketika panggilan AJAX dibuat ke bidang kedua, semua variabel lain di halaman juga bisa lewat - itu berarti Anda dapat memfilter hasil dari select2 kedua.
Katakanlah Anda ingin menunjukkan dua pilihan:
Di CrudController Anda, Anda akan melakukan:
<?php $this->crud->addField([ // SELECT2 'label' => ‘Category', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => ‘category', 'entity' => 'category', 'attribute' => 'name', ]); $this->crud->addField([ // select2_from_ajax: 1-n relationship 'label' => "Article", // Table column heading 'type' => 'select2_from_ajax_multiple', 'name' => 'articles', // the column that contains the ID of that connected entity; 'entity' => 'article', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model 'attribute' => 'title', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user 'data_source' => url('api/article'), // url to controller search function (with /{id} should return model) 'placeholder' => 'Select an article', // placeholder for the select 'minimum_input_length' => 0, // minimum characters to type before querying results 'dependencies' => [‘category’], // when a dependency changes, this select2 is reset to null // ‘method' => ‘GET’, // optional - HTTP method to use for the AJAX call (GET, POST) ]);
Route::get('api/article', 'App\Http\Controllers\Api\ArticleController@index'); Route::get('api/article/{id}', 'App\Http\Controllers\Api\ArticleController@show’);
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Backpack\NewsCRUD\app\Models\Article; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class ArticleController extends Controller { public function index(Request $request) { $search_term = $request->input('q'); $form = collect($request->input('form'))->pluck('value', 'name'); $options = Article::query(); // if no category has been selected, show no options if (! $form['category']) { return []; } // if a category has been selected, only show articles in that category if ($form['category']) { $options = $options->where('category_id', $form['category']); } if ($search_term) { $results = $options->where('title', 'LIKE', '%'.$search_term.'%')->paginate(10); } else { $results = $options->paginate(10); } return $options->paginate(10); } public function show($id) { return Article::find($id); } }